by Eric J. Lerner, Middlesex, NJ, USA

In the past year, the story that most cosmologists have been telling about the history of the cosmos has begun to crumble under a flood of new data from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)  and other instruments.  The hypothesis that the universe is expanding from a gigantic explosion 14 billion years ago is today contradicted by dozens of separate sets of data and, by any scientific test, has been invalidated. But if the Big Bang never happened, what did happen? Is there an alternative history of cosmic evolution that has actually been verified by observations? And what difference does it make to the here and now what happened in distant galaxies billions or trillions of years ago?

Eric J. Lerner is President and Chief Scientist of LPPFusion, Inc., a US R&D company developing a fast path to fusion energy in this decade. He is the author of the book „The Big Bang Never Happened“

and has authored or co-authored many peer-reviewed papers on the contradictions between the Big Bang/cosmic expansion hypothesis and observations, as well as on alternative hypotheses of cosmic evolution. His astrophysical studies of plasma in the cosmos have guided LPPFusion’s technological effort to control fusion energy

Date: April 24, 2:00 p.m to 3:30 pm European time

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Further informations (in German) here on page 25.

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