Saturday Oct 1st, 2011
11:00 Prof. Dr. Christian Hegelmaier, Hannover
„Apres nous le deluge – After us the Flood…“ – Environment Crisis and Society
Nowadays, in the age of the so-called globalisation, the destruction of the environment has proceeded as never before. From economic reasons, maximal revenues seem only to be realized on cost of ruthless destruction of the natural basis of life. Against this background, progressive scientists in the Open Academy must do considerations on the development of society in future, a society where the unity of human and nature can be reconstructed.
14:00 Marit Rullmann, Gelsenkirchen
On the View of World and Humans in Patriarchal Philosophy
16:00 Dr. Agnes Khoo, Manchester (GB)
We want the whole life!
Agnes Khoo, PhD, Formerly Associate Professor of Asian University for Women, Bangladesh. Writer of the book: „Life as the River Flows – Malayan Women in anti-colonial struggles (1948 – 1989)“ (Merlin Press, London, 2007). Agnes has been an activist all her life, supporting women workers‘ groups, migrants and migrant workers, trade unions and grassroots initiatives in different parts of Asia. She has worked in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, the Netherlands and she currently works and lives in the United Kingdom. In her spare time, Agnes researches and writes about migrant workers‘ rights, women’s emancipation, democracy and democratisation movements in Asia, impact of neo-liberal globalisation on women and workers in Asia, and the oral history of political and social movements in the region.
19:30 Samuel Schirmbeck, Frankfurt
Art for Millions: The Court for Lease Receipt– 100 Sculptures from the Time of Mao
Sunday, Oct 2nd
09:00 Andreas Zumach, Genf
Weapons Export and the Double Moral Standard of Western Countries
11:00 Dr. Rolf Gössner, Bremen
German Secret Service as „Guard of Democracy“? A Contribution to the „Discussion about Extremism“
14:00 Peter Bäuerle, Sindelfingen
Facebook, Twitter & Co. Internet and Development of Society
16:00 Christoph Lütgert, Hamburg
Exploitation for KiK in Bangladesh
19:30 Evening Event in the hall of culture, Horster Mitte
Monday Oct 3rd
09:00 Prof. Dr. Mathilde Kersting, Dortmund
Equal changes in Diet? Childrens Diet and Hartz IV
11:00 Annegret Falter, Berlin; Rudolf Schmenger, Biebesheim; Frank Wehrheim, Bad Homburg
Whistle Blowing in Tax Investigation
14:00 Dr. Carsten Frerk, Berlin
Governmental Funding to the Churches – A Pension for Eternity?
16:00 Dr. Colin Goldner, Hörgertshausen
Dalai Lama – Fall of a Good King
19:30 Jutta Ditfurth, Frankfurt, im Kultursaal Horster Mitte
War, Nuclear, Poverty – What They Say, What They Do: The GRÜNEN
Jutta Ditfurth reads from her book of the same title. „The GRÜNEN are masters in the art of betrayal“ says the founding member and former national chairman of the GRÜNEN. No other german party would currently stand for such a large difference between appearance and reality. The GRÜNEN party voted for Stuttgart 21 (a multi-billion project to relocate the central railway station of Stuttgart underground) in the supervisory board of the Deutsche Bahn (German Railways) – and then mingled into the resistance against the project with the aim to betray it. The party presents itself as an opponent to nuclear power and as a social party – and paved the way for the first nuclear consensus, the Hartz IV agenda, labour leasing and other pauperization policies. The party self-displayed as pacifist, but conducted the war mission in Kosovo.
Jutta Ditfurth, disputatious journalist and author, was a founding member of the GRÜNEN. Like many other members she resigned in 1991 because of the party’s shift to the right.
Tuesday Oct 4th
9:00 Dr. Nadja Rakowitz, Maintal
Health Service Reform and the Consequences for the Population
11:00 Dr. Ulrike Faber, Berlin
The Wonderful World of Pharma: Coloured – Expensive – Precarious
14:00 Prof. Dr. Rolf Bertram, Göttingen; Stephan Moldzio, Braunschweig
Six Months After Fukushima
16:00 Stephan Hafeneth, Aachen; Andreas Meyer, Köln; Bianca Vogel, Sinzig
19:30 Panel discussion in the hall of culture, Horster Mitte
Sustainability by Circle Economy
Wednesday Oct 5th
09:00 Günter Burkhardt, Frankfurt
Europe’s Fortress Policy and its Deadly Implications for Refugees
Since the beginning of 2011 more than 1600 refugees died in the Mediterranean Sea. Many of them fled from war and torture in countries like Sudan, Somalia and Eritrea. Their death is the result of a policy that prevents refugees from attaining Europe by all means. To this end, the EU cooperated with the Libyan dictator Gaddafi, built up the European border protection agency FRONTEX and uses high-tech equipment to keep refugees away from Europe – even at the cost of their lives. Survivors report that the coast guards of the EU countries, FRONTEX and NATO-units refused to rescue refugees in distress at sea. While the involved organizations negate their responsibility for the dead people, more refugees risk their lives on the daring passage.
Günter Burkhardt is CEO and co-founder of PRO ASYL. He represents PRO ASYL on the political level as well as against organizations, associations and parties.
11:00 Prof. Dr. Helmut Tributsch, Friaul
The Bionics Concept for Nature-Orientated Energy and Materials Supply
Nature splits water with sunlight and attaches the hydrogen to a carbon carrier. In this way nature can provide arbitrarily energy carriers and materials. It will be demonstrated how mankind could entirely adopt this evolutionary energy strategy on a high technological level within this century. The bionics concept is the most reliable path to a sustainable energy and materials economy.
Helmut Tributsch (1943) studied physics in Munich, was post-doc in Berkeley, Heisenberg fellow at the CNRS in Paris, scientific associate at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society and Walter-Schottky professor at Stanford University. From 1982 to 2008 he taught at the Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry of the Freie Universität Berlin. His main interest is energy research, especially solar-based strategies adopted from nature (more than 450 research articles and 10 books). After his retirement (2008) he returned to his native farm in Friaul, Italy.
14:00 Prof. Dr. Karl-Dieter Bodack, Gröbenzell
The Policy of the German Railways – an Economical, Ecological and Energetic Disaster
Travel time, cleanliness and punctuality: everything is supposed to be better with Stuttgart 21 (a multi-billion project to relocate the central railway station of Stuttgart underground). Serious objections have been kept aloof from the public for a long time. In fact a disaster is imminent. Stuttgart 21 does not provide any significant savings of travel time, but an increase in hazardous environmental burden, a multifold increase in energy consumption of trains and a waste of tax money in the billions. There are well-founded and better alternatives – but the big companies in charge as well as the government of Baden-Württemberg want to enforce S 21 by all means.
Karl-Dieter Bodack is a graduate engineer and worked for nearly three decades in staff and leadership positions of the DB (Deutsche Bahn – German Railways) and DB AG. He is now a freelance consultant for corporations and initiatives and acts as an expert in the transport committee of the Bundestag (German parliament).
16:00 Dr. Alexander Unzicker, München
From Big Bang to Big Madness– the Absurd Chase for the Theory of Everything
Nowadays spectacular astrophysical observations provide us with a glance of the early stages of the cosmos. Furthermore, huge experiments take place in the area of particle physics like the Large Hadron Collider experiment at CERN. However, the theoretical description of the data delivered more complications than understanding in recent decades. A significant portion of the theoretical physics is even completely uncoupled from verifiability by observations. As a consequence physics runs the risk of losing its authority, which is urgently needed for the solution of the problems of modern civilization.
Alexander Unzicker is author of the critical science book „Vom Urknall zum Durchknall – die absurde Jagd nach der Weltformel“, which appeared in 2010 and was awarded „Science book of the year“ by the German journal „Bild der Wisenschaft“. He studied physics and law and earned his PhD in brain research. He works as a school teacher in Munich.
19:30 Kabarettabend im ABZ: Robert Griess, Köln
REVOLT in Bochum! For now only on stage. According to the newspaper Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger Griess has „one of the fastest and cheekiest gabs in Cologne“. Griess performs an entertaining cabaret show, a satirical ride through economics, politics and education.
The cabaret artist Robert Griess from Cologne won several variety awards. Furthermore, he is author of screenplays, comments and columns in TV, Radio and print media, e.g. for „Käpt’n Blaubär“, Hallervorden’s „Spotlight“, WDR, SWR, DLF und SCHEIBENWISCHER. He also work as cabaret and writing teacher, e.g. at the Kunsthochschule für Medien Cologne, the Deutsche Kabarett-Akademie and the Bundesverband der Theaterpädagogen.
Thursday Oct 6th
09:00 Salvatore Prezzavento,Dortmund; Michael Müller, Dettenheim
Poisoned Workers and Residents – the Intrigues of the PCB Maste Management Company Envio
Almost 2 million tons of highly toxic PCB worldwide need to be disposed – a profitable business for waste management companies like Envio in Dortmund. For many years PCB containing transformers have been opened and „disposed“ there without appropriate safety precautions. Hints and even a criminal charge were refused by the district government Arnsberg. Monitoring appointments were apparently known in advance to the company’s management. The company was closed in 2010 only after workers and residents with thousand-fold increased levels of carcinogenic PCB in their blood appeared before the public.
Salvatore Prezzavento is one of those affected. He is a member of a residents‘ initiative, which demands appropriate disposal, medical care and prosecution of the persons in charge. Michael Müller, dipl.-mineralogist, is an internationally recognized expert in terms of PCB disposal, reviewer for PCB processing companies and consultant to the United Nations.
11:00 Dr. Silvia Pleschka, Berlin
Environmental Influences and Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the most common cancer with women. The public representation of breast cancer is dominated by the appeal for early diagnosis and reports of success stories about new treatment options. However, mammography screening is highly controversial in the scientific community. Toxic and endocrine substances as well as increasing exposure to radiation are largely neglected in terms of basic research for the sources of cancer disease. Women and girls are exposed to hazards in many areas of daily life. Whether ingredients in cosmetics, cleaning agents, textiles, toys, carpets, packaging or tobacco smoke – most women are not aware of the chemicals that surround them. A comprehensive understanding of disease genesis and prevention as well as their causes is needed.
Silvia Pleschka, chemist and research associate of „Women in Europe for a Common Future eV“ (WECF), has long-term practical experience in environmental and residue analysis. She is committed to healthy living conditions and a non-toxic future for all.
14:00 Prof. Dr. Inge Schmitz-Feuerhake, Köln
The Inexorable Contamination by X-Ray Diagnostics
The radiation exposure by a single computed tomography (CT) equals the dose of approx. 20 conventional radiographs. CTs became the major source of irradiation for the population in industrial nations. There are no dose limits for patients, instead the principle of „justifying indication“ holds. The benefit to the patient can hardly be quantified, the health risk is vastly underestimated for historical reasons (nuclear energy). Examples demonstrate that the contribution of diagnostics to the observed „cancer epidemic“ is considerable. There is only one solution to the problem: changeover to non-ionizing imaging methods such as ultrasonic and magnetic resonance tomography to the greatest possible extent.
Inge Schmitz-Feuerhake, physicist, researched on the risks of nuclear technology at the University of Bremen until 2000, e.g. on leukemia disease with children near the nuclear power plant Krümmel. She is a founding member of the „Gesellschaft für Strahlenschutz e.V.“ (Society for Radiation Protection). In 2003 she received the „Nuclear-Free Future Award“ for her lifetime achievement.
16:00 Prof. Dr. Franz Adlkofer, Berlin
Federal Radiation Protection Policy Conflicting with the Current State of Research
It is well known that scientific findings conflicting with industrial interests need decades to be established. One example is the research on the radiation involved in mobile communications. The claim made in the 1960s, that there were no impacts of high-frequency fields other than thermal effects, still gets successfully advocated by the mobile communications industry for purely economic reasons. Scientists are involved who deny potential biological impacts of high-frequency irradiation against better knowledge or due to naivety. Their promotion to „experts“ and their placing into national and international panels in charge of advising governments usually maintains the status quo for decades. The result: sparkling profits – at the cost of body counts?
Franz Adlkofer (1935) served the environmental foundation „VerUm“ in Munich as CEO since 1992 and is member of its board since 2002.
19:30 Kultursaal Horster Mitte
Berlin Boom Orchestra gegen Rechts!
For five years the nine band members from Berlin thrilled the audiences far beyond their home district Berlin-Kreuzberg. Noteworthy is their attitude against sexism, racism and fascism. The band played to the blockade of the Nazi march in Dresden on February 19 of this year. Equally remarkable is their dedication to the closure of all nuclear power plants. Visitors can expect an energetic mix of ska, dub, reggae and dancehall music, an incredible stage presence of the band, socially critical lyrics, perfect use of the instruments – an evening at its finest! Don’t miss it!
Doors open from 7pm!
Friday Oct. 7th
09:00 Dr. Patricia M. DeMarco, Pittsburgh
Rachel Carson’s Environmental Ethic: A Pathway To a Sustainable Future
Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring created a revolution in thinking about the relationship between people and their environment when it was published in 1962. Her message is even more compelling today. Rachel Carson set forth an environmental ethic through her writing and speeches based on fifteen years of intense study of the oceans, and the relationship of the creatures of the sea and creatures of the land. Unlike many natural history scientists before her, she placed the role of human actions in the center of the pollution problems that were evident as the consequences of industrial activity. We experience today global evidence of the unintended consequences of the conveniences of modern life. In these times of global stress and increasing pressure on the Earth’s resources, we would be wise to re-visit Rachel Carson’s principles of the human ecosystem. We can look to her environmental ethic for guidance about preserving the life support system of the living Earth – clean water, pure air, and fertile soil. Rachel Carson’s environmental ethic encompasses four principles: Live in harmony with nature; Preserve and learn from natural systems; Control the impact of synthetic materials on living systems; and reduce the effects of human actions on the global web of life.
11:00 Alfredo Candia, Embassy of Bolivia
The conference for protection of the rights of mother earth in Cochabama, Bolivia
14:00 Dr. Hermann Kruse, Kiel
Unconventional Gas Extraction / Fracking: Risk for Human and Environment
In times of decreasing resources new ways of energy generation are required. Unconventional gas extraction / Fracking has been applied to this end more recently. Since the procedure is associated with the use of many chemicals, it means a great risk to the environment and affected workers. Harmful pollutants such as mercury, benzene and radioactive radon are extracted in addition to the gas. Measurements have shown that humans and environment are heavily charged in the immediate vicinity. The talk also addresses the question of how the entry of pollutants into the natural environment and their impact on humans can be avoided. Concerned citizens from the affected regions are invited.
Hermann Kruse works at the Institute of Toxicology, University of
Kiel. He deals with the analysis of pollutants in humans and the environment, evaluates them with respect to potential impacts and searches for alternatives.
16:00 Dr. Peter Spork, Hamburg
The Second Code: Why we Have Control on our Genome
Why do education, nutrition, love, abuse, sports or experiences in the womb modify our innermost being? Why do they shape the personality and disease susceptibility of an individual? Why are we not slaves of our genes? Answers are supplied by the new science of epigenetics. It supersedes the old discussion of what is inherited and what is acquired, since the environment affects the genotype and vice versa.
According to the radio station „Deutschlandfunk“ Peter Spork is „the man who popularized epigenetics“. He studied biology in Marburg and Hamburg and has worked since 1991 as a freelance science journalist (e.g. „Die Zeit“, „Geo“, „bild der wissenschaft“). He is author of several successful non-fiction books, which have been translated into nine languages. His latest work „The Second Code“ is the first popular science book on epigenetics.
19:30 Gert Zitzner, Essen
„Where Wine is Missing, Medicine is Necessary.“ A Relaxed Evening with Wine Taste