We are involved in science, culture, education, teaching and industry. With our work, we want to contribute to a better life for people. We do not want our work to be misused for the development of automated weapons and weapons of mass destruction and for the killing of innocent people. As researchers and teachers, pupils, trainees and students, we want to work and study towards a world without wars and the growing threat of environmental damage. With our engagement and efforts, we want to contribute to mutual understanding and international friendship. In view of the danger of current wars such as those in Ukraine and the Middle East escalating into a world war, we call on all peace- loving and democratic forces: Let us oppose the militarization of education, schools, universities and research, including new state requirements to cooperate and conduct military research with the Bundeswehr. We say no to the vetting of applicants in the fields of culture and science.
We demand the following
- No to required cooperation and joint research with the Bundeswehr at schools and universities! Abolish the Bavarian law to force cooperation with and assistance to the Bundeswehr!
- No to the monitoring and surveillance of political opinions by the German Secret Service „Verfassungsschutz” in deciding how to allocate funding!
- No to undemocratic attacks on progressive, critical science, teaching and culture.
- We oppose the militarization and the political rightwards shift at universities, research institutions and schools.
- We stand for free political, scientific and cultural activity at schools, universities, cultural and research institutions on an anti-fascist basis!
- We stand for the promotion of progressive science, research and teaching, including environmental protection, a circular economy, the elimination of poverty, hunger and the end of wars!
Background Information
As a result of the „new era“ [1] proclaimed by Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz in 2022, there has been an unprecedented rearmament and militarization of society since the beginning of the post-war period. In two current hotspots of growing rivalry – the war in Ukraine and the war in Gaza – there is a threat of escalation that could lead to a direct clash between the superpowers and trigger a world war. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius insisted „We must be ready for war by 2029“ [2] and announced that „Germany is taking on a leadership role“ [3]. As early as March 2024, Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger responded approvingly to this new political climate in a publication of the Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) entitled „Consequences for Science and Research“ [4] supported state control of knowledge production for the first time since the end of WWII, stating „the great good of academic freedom must be reconciled with our security policy interests“ [4].
The Federal Government is striving for Germany to become a leader in key warfare technologies of the 21st century, particularly in the fields of electronics, digitalization, artificial intelligence, autonomous weapons, hypersonic technology, etc. [5]
Major industry calls for the separation of civil and military research to be abolished>
Shortly after the proclaimed „new era“, industry lobby organizations such as the „Academy of Science and Engineering“ (Acatech) on June 24, 2022 called to „Remove civilian clauses from university laws“ and insisted universities should „become more active in the field of security research“ [6].
This was followed by the „position paper“ of the (BMBF)[4], which noted, „In particular, the sometimes strict separation between civilian and military research in Germany must be questioned“ and sought to question the „appropriateness of civilian clauses in the new era“ and to strengthen the „cooperation between civilian and military research“. This „reflection process“, as it is euphemistically called, is nothing less than an attempt to subject academics, universities and students to the logic of militarism. Even if civilian clauses have hardly prevented military research in practice, they are now being attacked as outdated.
According to the Federal Education Minister’s paper, the „Self-regulatory instruments of science”—i.e. the current governance of universities by academics themselves—must be question “in light of the new era“. The aim is to controlled research in an even more targeted manner in accordance with the German government’s „National Security Strategy“ and „China Strategy“. This would entail a massive expansion of surveillance and control at universities under the pretext of „research security“[4].
In May 2024, the same Minister, Bettina Stark-Watzinger, called for an investigation into the political leanings of signatories of a letter criticizing the suppression of university student dissent against the war in Gaza by the Berlin police.[7] In June 2024, more than 3300 academics demanded the resignation of Bettina Stark-Watzinger[8] who, however, remained in her position, scapegoating her state secretary instead[9]. The Minister went so far as to define the defense of the right to peaceful protest as an attack on the Constitution, and excoriated academic signatories for failing to „stand on the ground of the Basic Law“[10].
By ratcheting up levels of fear and control at universities, government forces seek to force science and research to serve war and the military.
Campaign against the desire for peace of academics, cultural workers, teachers, pupils and students
The latest statements by Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger fit seamlessly into a campaign that presents military research—and not research to prevent war—as necessary in the face of intensifying rivalry between imperialist powers;[11] by this logic, Germany’s former policies of freedom in research are woefully outdated. Thus, the Minister laments the „image of morally superior civilian research“ (ibid.), and Vice Chancellor and Economics Minister Robert Habeck explains: „In Germany (…) we have done too little in the field of security for a long time. Basically, we have also disarmed in terms of innovation and research. I say this openly here: we can’t go on like this. We must become better in the area of security and defense capability.. And getting better also means strengthening innovation.”[12]. The role model for both ministers: „Countries such as Israel and the USA are successfully transforming research into technological innovation in a civilian and military ecosystem.“(ibid.) The ministers, in short, celebrate „ecosystems“ that are responsible not only for civilian deaths in the American war of aggression on Iraq (which violated international law) but also the current brutal war and decades of violence in Gaza. The Israeli military unit „Unit 8200“ is seen by Robert Habeck (ibid.) and explicitly by the German government’s commission of experts [13] as a model unit for the close integration of research, the military and industry. Start-up companies for high-tech products are to be funded for this purpose. With the use of artificial intelligence in warfare, significantly more targets could be identified in the shortest possible time than ever before—accompanied by an order of magnitude increase in the number of civilian casualties[14].
As part of a campaign about the „necessity“ of military research, an article by the former director of hardware development at IBM, Wolfgang Maier, appeared in Physik Journal in July 2024. There he argued that the „clearly noticeable taboo on military research“ should be reconsidered, in order to „protect the free democratic basic order, which is threatened by various influences“[15]. In the name of „defending democracy“, political leaders and their corporate allies like Maier in fact promote the destruction of the environment and large-scale human catastrophe, while also dismantling basic democratic rights.
Against these militaristic narratives, we argue that true borders do not run between peoples, but between the rulers and the ruled. What is needed is a science that gets to the bottom of the causes of wars, promotes friendship between peoples and enables victory over hunger, poverty and the climate and environmental catastrophe that has already begun. We refuse to participate in military research for capital and great power politics.Klimaschutzurteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts: Feige – und gar Duldung eines Verbrechens?
Plans of the Federal Government: Massive expansion of spying and political repression
Racist attacks against people considered to be migrants, especially Muslims and black-skinned people, but also against Jews, are on the rise in Germany as part of the right-wing trend and must be resolutely combated. In complete contrast, however, the „fight against Israel-related anti-Semitism“ is being turned into a weapon against the anti-war movement. The newspaper „Die ZEIT“ revealed in the article „A somewhat different examination of conscience“ from July 16, 2024 [16] that the parliamentary groups of the “traffic light” coalition government and the CDU/CSU are preparing a joint resolution which, under the pretext of the fight against anti-Semitism, represents a massive repressive intervention in the promotion of culture and science. This goes back to a debate in the Bundestag on November 9, 2023, the anniversary of the fascist November pogroms of 1938. Following the attack by fascist Hamas on October 7, 2023 which targeted civilians in Israel, the resolution is to be passed under the pretext of supposedly „protecting Jewish life in Israel“.
In the name of „protection of Jewish life in Germany“, every applicant for funding for research and culture is to be obliged to comply with an expanded IHRA definition of antisemitism adopted by the Bundestag and criticized worldwide: This absurdly describes criticism of or rejection of the Israeli government or its institutions as „anti-Semitism“. Mind you, this is directed at a government in which fascists hold ministerial posts! This kind of definition of „anti-Semitism“ is distorted into a fighting term against all critics of Israeli government policy. Artists and researchers are suspect as potential „enemies of the constitution“ and the state wants to enforce „a comprehensive review of artists and researchers who apply for public funding by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution„. (ibid.)
The debate in the Bundestag should not be viewed in isolation. The Berlin Senator for Justice and former Vice President of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Felor Badenberg (CDU), calls for the following: „In Germany, the secret service „Verfassungsschutz“ should decide which art is worthy of support“ and, in doing so, would be „verifying loyalty to the constitution„[17] Original quote from Badenberg: „You are anti-constitutional if you have been classified as anti-constitutional by the secret service because of actions against the free democratic basic order.“ (ibid.). Badenberg made her career in this domestic secret service under the then President Hans-Georg Maassen, who founded an ultra-reactionary, fascist and staunchly anti-communist party from the “Werteunion” in February 2024. The same secret service that sponsored the NSU complex, that tolerated or helped to build up neo-Nazi structures is now supposed to decide which scientists and cultural workers continue to receive funding?
Obviously, despite the abolition of occupational bans supported by the European Court of Human Rights in 1995 [18] political repression and censorship are now being reintroduced and intensified on a new basis.
Bavaria as a pioneer of compulsory cooperation between schools and universities and the Bundeswehr
In mid-July 2024, the Bavarian state parliament passed the „Act to Promote the Bundeswehr in Bavaria“[19]. This obliges Bavarian universities and schools to cooperate with the Bundeswehr. The law states: „Research results obtained may also be used for military purposes of the Federal Republic of Germany or NATO allies. Restricting research to civilian uses (civilian clause) is not permitted.“ And in its explanatory memorandum it states: „Therefore, a general cooperation requirement for universities with the Bundeswehr is stipulated.“ (ibid.)
This compulsory obligation is a massive transformation, reorienting universities towards militarization and preparation for war. The law also includes the obligation for teachers to cooperate with youth officers. Significantly, a similar bill was introduced by the AfD parliamentary group in the NRW state parliament in the spring of this year, and another bill has been submitted to the CDU/SPD state government in Hessen[20]. This law and other draft laws must be withdrawn immediately.
The role of the AfD and how it is being made acceptable
Representatives of the federal government, the CDU/CSU, industry and academia are systematically pushing us towards intensified militarization, expansion of surveillance, and the restriction of civil democratic rights and freedoms, as part of preparation for war. Opponents of war, critical and progressive forces are either to be forced out of academia or forced into self-censorship. This is a dangerous development that is actively mainstreaming once unthinkable rightwing political positions. Thus what “centrist” leaders are calling for is perfectly compatible with the AfD’s demands, including the abolition of civilian clauses and „the preservation and expansion of defense technology capabilities, the safeguarding of existing jobs in this high-tech sector and planning security for German industry and our armed forces. To this end, new defense technology programs must be initiated, among other things„[21].
An investigation by the „Informationsstelle Militarisierung“ (IMI) Tübingen „Warum die AfD keine Friedenspartei ist“ (Why the AfD is not a peace party) from April 2024 [22] revealed a close connection between the AfD and officers of the Bundeswehr and managers of the arms industry. In the Bundestag, the AfD advocates the abolition or suppression of environmental and climate research, gender research and critical research on colonialism, and promotes historical revisionism towards fascism and Germany’s striving for supremacy in the world. This is no coincidence, as the former judge and anti-fascist researcher into the history of justice Helmut Kramer aptly observed: „Fascism and militarism are twins” [23].
These are our main reasons for this petition.
[1] Federal Government (2022): Government statement by Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz on February 27, 2022. Available at: https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/suche/regierungserklaerung-von-bundeskanzler-olaf-scholz-am-27-februar-2022-2008356 [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[2] German Bundestag (2024): Regierungsbefragung im Deutschen Bundestag: Zusammenfassung der Sitzung KW23. Available at: https://www.bundestag.de/dokumente/textarchiv/2024/kw23-de-regierungsbefragung-1002264 [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[3] ntv (2024): Pistorius declares Germany a NATO leader. Available at: https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Pistorius-erklaert-Deutschland-zur-NATO-Fuehrungsmacht-article24425865.html [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[4] Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (2024): Position paper on research security. Available at: https://www.bmbf.de/bmbf/shareddocs/kurzmeldungen/de/2024/03/240311-positionspapier-forschungssicherheit.html [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[5] Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) (2024): Strategy paper on strengthening the security and defense industry. Available at: https://www.bmwk.de/Redaktion/DE/Downloads/S-T/strategiepapier-staerkung-sicherits-und-verteidigungsindustrie.html [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[6] acatech (2024): Security, Resilience and Sustainability. Available at: https://www.acatech.de/publikation/sicherheit-resilienz-und-nachhaltigkeit/ [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[7] Der Spiegel (2024): Bildung: Bettina Stark-Watzinger’s state secretary allegedly commissioned controversial audit. Available at: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/bildung/bettina-stark-watzingers-staatssekretaerin-soll-umstrittene-pruefung-beauftragt-haben-a-5dfcbd9a-786b-4f6b-a5d0-ceeb19e43512 [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[8] Google Forms (2024): Open statement on the approach of the Federal Minister of Education in view of the open letter from Berlin university professors. Available at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSccTcNVPTUSpezw2v7wWgNVpoFPfYsYMa9QpLkmCaq4YWy1Nw/viewform?pli=1 [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[9] Tagesschau (2024): Forschungsmittel: Stark-Watzinger und die umstrittene Staatssekretärin. Available at: https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/stark-watzinger-forschungsmittel-staatssekretaerin-100.html [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[10] Bild (2024): Government stunned: university scandal escalates. Available at: https://www.bild.de/politik/inland/regierung-fassungslos-uni-skandal-eskaliert-663b6def27e1b86288b11fc5 [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[11] Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) (2024): Stark-Watzinger: „We must protect our research from China“. Available at: https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/stark-watzinger-wir-muessen-unsere-forschung-vor-china-schuetzen-19116350.html [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[12] Handelsblatt (2024): Habeck in an interview on military research: We can’t go on like this. Available at: https://www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/mittelstand/habeck-im-interview-zu-militaerforschung-so-koennen-wir-nicht-weitermachen-03/100018814.html [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[13] Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (EFI) (2024): Expert report 2024. Available at: https://www.e-fi.de/fileadmin/Assets/Gutachten/2024/EFI_Gutachten_2024_24124.pdf [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[14] 972mag (2024): Lavender AI: Israeli army’s use in Gaza. Available at: https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/ [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[15] Physik Journal (2024): Issue 7/2024. Available at: https://pro-physik.de/zeitschriften/physik-journal/2024-7/ [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[16] Zeit Online (2024): Bundestag passes resolution to protect Jewish life. Available at: https://www.zeit.de/kultur/2024-07/bundestag-resolution-antisemitismus-schutz-juedisches-leben-verfassungsschutz [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[17] Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) (2024): Art or enemy of the constitution? Berliner Justizsenatorin fordert neues Gesetz. Available at: https://www.nzz.ch/feuilleton/kunst-oder-verfassungsfeind-berliner-justizsenatorin-fuer-neues-gesetz-ld.1836781 [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[18] Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) (2024): 50 years ago: The Radical Decree, Available at: https://www.bpb.de/kurz-knapp/hintergrund-aktuell/346271/vor-50-jahren-radikalenerlass/ [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[19] Bayern (2024): Law and Ordinance Gazette 2024 No. 257, Available at: https://www.verkuendung-bayern.de/gvbl/2024-257/ [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[20] Information Centre Militarization e.V. (IMI) (2024): Bavaria: The escalating battle over civilian clauses and academic freedom, Available at: https://www.imi-online.de/2024/07/09/bayern-der-zugespitzte-kampf-um-zivilklauseln-und-die-freiheit-der-wissenschaft/ [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[21] Alternative for Germany (AfD) (2024): European election program of the AfD 2024, p. 31.
[22] Information Centre Militarization e.V. (IMI) (2024): AfD and the EU war economy: An analysis, Available at: https://www.imi-online.de/2024/04/24/0656-broschuere-afd-analyse-eu-kriegswirtschaft/ [Accessed on August 13, 2024].
[23] Kramer Wolfgang F. (2024): Fascism and militarism are twins, Available at: https://www.kramerwf.de/gedenkstaetten/faschismus-und-militarismus-sind-zwillinge [Accessed on August 13, 2024].